








We begin! As Archangel Ariel and Archangel Gabriel removed the Veil to my own Soul’s records and the Celestial Realm, they began to groom me for my Soul’s destiny work. Greater awareness was brought about through the exercise of recognizing my history of patterns, rhythms, flow, knowledge, motivating factors, acceptance, etc. through synchronistic events. This was a faith building effort in helping me to remember and trust who I’ve been as a Soul and Spirit (in other life expressions) and what I am to do in this Life Expression.

I find it interesting that the Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung who established the conceptual framework for synchronicity shares the same birth date as I; July 26th. He was born July 26, 1875 and is numerically a # 9. I am a # 9 as well.  Synch!


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events that are apparently causally unrelated occurring together in a meaningful manner. To count as synchronicity, the events should be unlikely to occur together by chance.

Synchronistic events reveal an underlying pattern, a conceptual framework that encompasses, but is larger than, any of the systems that display the synchronicity. The suggestion of a larger framework is essential to satisfy the definition of synchronicity as originally developed by Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.[1]

Your own Celestial Guides, Teachers and Angels (Heavenly Hosts) will use many methods in order to help you to broaden your spiritual thinking and understanding, so that you’re led to a place of wisdom. Start examining the petals of your many life expressions, so that you may start putting the puzzle pieces together to form the Totality of your SELF = Spiritual Energy Lovingly Formed. Enjoy the Journey!

Angela – Example 1
I had gone to a Sage Woman in Anchorage in 1996 to get answers for what I was seeing, which were validated. She said that she heard that I would be communicating with the Hierosphere, which was a word that she had not heard before. Also, that I would receive an Energy that had not been on Earth since Antiquity. This was something that I had seen as well. Hiero means: Sacred and Sphere according to Webster’s New Word Dictionary (gray one) #6: the place, range, or extent of action, existence, knowledge, experience, influence, etc.; province. She also stated that I was the Moon to my father’s Sun meaning (ELAN).

08-02-00 (3)
Went to Library and got more information on Archimedes. He did work for King Hiero of Syracuse, Sicily. He was a Greek Mathematician, inventor, physicist. He has theorems on the Sphere. Hierosphere.

Be the leading lady or gentleman of your own life and seek your adventure through your Self. Let the poem below speak for itself; for those of the Light will not lead you astray.

Spiritual Guides

“Chatter, chatter, pitter, patter
Woven rugs do not matter
Hear the voice in your head
Follow the advice as you’re led
We give promptings for you to follow
Hear them, do them, and do not bother
Hear us, See us, Feel our calm
Our energy strokes you, on the Arm
Wise is the listener to hear our thoughts
As we project them, do not fight
Acceptance is the Key we say
Allow it, here today.

~  Blessings, Amayah

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